Born in Israel, and having lived in Brussels, New York City, and St. Thomas,, I consider myself to be multicultural. I came to the United States in 2002 and currently live and run my business on the island of St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands. I have felt a strong...
It would not be a gross exaggeration to say that technology runs nearly every aspect of our lives. It’s how we get from place to place, how we communicate with others, how we manage our finances, how we are entertained, how we track our fitness goals, how we listen to...
You may not associate the Big Easy with being a kid-friendly travel destination- it’s the city of Mardi Gras, round-the-clock partying, creole/cajun food, and jazz music, which all give the city its distinctive flair but do not exactly scream children’s activities in...
Tourists get a bad rap, especially American tourists. Some foreigners seem to have this idea that all American tourists are rude, disrespectful, impatient, and selfish. The word itself has a negative connotation. When you hear the word tourist, you’re probably not...
When you think of a swamp, “beautiful” may not be the first word that comes to mind. Swamps have gotten a negative connotation from folklore and fairytales as being these murky, mysterious bodies of water where dangerous creatures lurk beneath the surface ready to...